We believe that the more prepared and knowledgeable you are about the birthing process, the more empowered you will feel when it comes time to meet your baby. Our childbirth education classes will also leave your partner or support person feeling knowledgeable and prepared to support you.

These will all be hosted at the hospital and are offered free of charge to all birthers, regardless of where you are planning to birth your baby!

We will cover topics such as mindfulness, planning for your labor, movement during labor, stages & phases of birth, postpartum planning, infant feeding, newborn care & more. Partners are welcome & refreshments are provided!

Classes will take place every Wednesday from 6-8pm at NVRH for 5 weeks. An optional 6th class is available that covers Cesarean Education.

Walk into your birth feeling confident & calm!

“This class was a great way to meet other soon to be parents, I feel like I now have a support group too! I loved doing the class with my partner, it really helped us have important discussions that we may not have known to have otherwise. I think that people talk to him a lot less about birth too so it helped him learn things he wouldn’t have otherwise. I went into class very scared of birth and left feeling empowered that I could have a successful vaginal birth.”